
Pile foundationThe base of the mill
Pile foundationWide diameter piles including heads
Stabilization of slopesSecuring the construction pit with negative sheeting - Jaslovské Bohunice
Stabilization of slopesSecuring the construction pit with negative sheeting - Mochovce
Stabilization of slopesSheeting of a construction pit
Pile foundationRealization of piles with a diameter of 900, 1200mm
Geological explorationsHOP wells
Pile foundationMaking piles with a diameter of 900 mm
Pile foundationZaloženie objektu na pilotách 600, 880, 1180 a 1500mm
Geological explorationsTrack modernization - comprehensive geological survey
Pile foundationPSA Peugeot Citroen - pile foundation
Pile foundationImplementation of piles with a diameter of 600 and 900 mm, including heads
Pile foundationImplementation of foundation on 600 and 900 mm primers
Pile foundationImplementation of foundation on piles with a diameter of 900 mm, including chalice heads
Pile foundationMaking piles with a diameter of 600 and 900 mm, including heads
CITY RESIDENCE TRNAVAPile foundationRealization of piles with a diameter of 600, 900 and 1200 mm
Hala CARGO GROUP SlovakiaPile foundationRealization of piles with a diameter of 600, 900 and 1200 mm
Opravárenské centrum lietadiel - MošnovPile foundationRealization of piles with a diameter of 600, 900 and 1200 mm
Obchodné centrum TrnavaPile foundationRealization of piles with a diameter of 600, 900 and 1200 mm
Výrobná hala ALU-ONEPile foundationRealization of piles with a diameter of 600 and 900mm